RSVP for a specific Kazami Level 4 Class - (class description)
RSVP Guide - This page is for scheduling only and does not include the class fee
I have pre-purchased classes and I just want to RSVP for a specific class. | Great! Use this RSVP checkout to complete your RSVP to a specific class. We will debit a class from your file at the door. |
I would like to RSVP for a specific class and pay for it at the door | Great! Use this RSVP checkout to complete your RSVP to a specific class. You can pay for it at the door. (check rates) |
I would like to RSVP for a specific class and pay for it online | Great! Use this RSVP checkout to complete your RSVP to a specific class. You can pay for level 4 classes online here. |
- Class prerequisite: graduation from Kazami Level 3
- RSVP is per tying pair (includes rigger and rope bottom)
- Attendance is by RSVP only. If the RSVP for a specific date says 'SOLD OUT' it means the class capacity has been reached.
- We respect your privacy. You may enter a scene name and a random address when going through the RSVP checkout.
Cancelation Policy
Please message TorontoKinbakuSalon@gmail.com with any cancelations.
We limit class size to provide the best possible experience to our students. It is unfair to the Toronto Kinbaku Salon and fellow students who wish to attend but cannot because the class was fully booked to cancel at the last minute or not at all. At the same time we understand things happen. We hope our Cancelation policy is fair to everyone:
- Before 3pm the day before: Unlimited
- Before 5pm the day of the class: 1st time - no problem, things happen. 2nd time: future classes are to be prepaid. 3rd time: the class fee will be deducted.
- No-shows without a Cancelation message will be asked to pre-pay for future classes. Additional no-shows, the class fee will be deducted.